SCFF project has a long-range vision to contribute to food security through growing & sharing food in regenerative ways while raising awareness & resiliency through education.

What is a Food Forest?

A food forest is a regenerative gardening system modelled after a woodland ecosystem. It is designed with 7 or more layers of mostly perennial (comes back year after year) vegetation. Food forests are organized into a series of plant communities called “guilds” made up of mutually beneficial relationships. While these biodiverse ecosystems rely on initial human input, less & less is required over time beyond harvesting the abundance of food, herbs & medicines. At SCFF, in addition to growing food for our community, we are also nourishing our non-human kin: we incorporate nectar plants for pollinators, leave seed stalks standing for over-wintering birds & feed soil biology for optimal fertility.

What is permaculture?

Permaculture is a philosophy based on working with rather than against nature.  A series of principles & ethics offer a whole systems design approach that focuses on meeting human needs while regenerating the Earth.  Permaculture is inspiring an alive & growing movement based on observing, learning from & modelling after nature.  A Food Forest is an example of permaculture in action. 

“Permaculture’s roots lie firmly and deeply in the ancient, fertile, organic soil of (the) indigenous science…of cultivating a reciprocal, regenerative relationship with the Earth.” 
-Rohini Walker    


a collaborative approach based in reciprocity

“HARVEST ME!” signs are placed at plants that are ready to be harvested from - pick gently with two hands, respect & help care for the plant & leave some to share with others, or harvest to help stock our Harvest Share Stand.

FOLLOW THE WOOD COOKIES! Use the tree rounds as pathways to explore & work within our Food Forest. Staying on these pathways helps protect the soil, plants & other non-human life within our ecosystem (worms, pollinators, etc).

HARVEST SHARE STAND is designed to be a community hub for sharing locally grown food, herbs, seeds & plants. Help yourself & leave some for others. Volunteers stock the stand from the food forest & community members are encouraged to share their garden & fruit tree surplus here, too! 


SCFF is home to a diversity of  insects, pollinators & birds, providing food & shelter to our 

non-human friends.  We are an official Monarch Waystation ( for the 

endangered monarch butterfly.  We’re also working with local Butterfly Rangers under the David Suzuki Foundation to create Butterflyways throughout our region.     

Scotsburn Elementary students planting their milkweed seedlings in 2021

Scotsburn Community Food Forest - Come visit - Scotsburn Trailhead Park, 4114 Scotsburn Road